Have you been in a car accident + looking for conservative, holistic care?

Acupuncture may be able to help!

Located in 2 Denver Metro Locations —

Westminster, CO

Aurora, CO

Request Acupuncture Care with Sarah Ghekiere, ND, LAc

About Sarah

I was 7 when my Dad was injured.

Long story short — he’s had 8 left knee surgeries and a back surgery.

He lives with chronic pain. Acupuncture has been the only modality to give him complete relief.

As you can imagine, his pain impacted our families quality of life.

Knowing that I have a modality that can help prevent this from happening to others means the world to me.

Along my journey I’ve also discovered how even though you may not be able to change your circumstances, you can change the way you relate to them — which affects your quality of life.

A practical way to do this + helping people anchor into Self Worth is something I teach inside my system Inner Truth Healing.

Acupuncture with me looks like

  • relief of symptoms

  • feeling seen + heard with guidance on shifting your inner world

  • finding meaning during this challenging time